Moving Average

On the chart below you can see what a moving average is. Its the blue line. It actually shows you the priceaction over a specific time. Now you might wonder what "moving" means - thats basically the closing/opening oder what ever you want price over a specific period. Might sound REALLY difficult but its really simple.
Moving Average of last 10 periods

The main purpose to you the moving average (MA) is to help you to see where the chart might go in the future.
There are actually two types of moving averages. Which are a little different.
The longer the period is of the moving average the slower it will be. And also the volatily might be almost flat.
Also on the other site, the smaller the period the choppier it might me.
Earlier I talked about two types of moving averages. Well these are the two:
  1. Simple
  2. Exponential
You could calculate them your own, but who wants that in the age of technology. So first come the basics and then I tell you how you might make money with it.

Penulis : KalOo ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Moving Average ini dipublish oleh KalOo pada hari 23 September 2011. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 4 komentar: di postingan Moving Average


  1. I'm quite afraid of my investments.

  2. Haha, what Natefrogg said.

    However, I'm glad that we have graphs now and don't have to do tedious calculations.

  3. What a coincidence, I was just asking another blogger about this stuff.

    Lucky me.

  4. I never fail to be impressed by what I learn here
